Friday, July 8, 2011

About Astha Women School

Established in 2007 in Gatthaghar, Nepal, The Astha Women

School is an ongoing effort by a collective of hundreds

of women in the Kathmandu Valley.

Its chief objective is to provide education to
illiterate women and girls (representing as
much as 70% of the community). The
students of the Astha Women School range in
age from 10 years old to 60+, and come from
the many different castes and cultures of Nepal.
The Astha Women School (which means,
literally, 'Women School of Faith') is run by
a talented and dedicated group of Nepali women.

The Astha Women School currently offers a formal education of first grade
through eighth grade, and has over 400 past and present students.

(Desks and floor seating in Astha classroom)

Their future plans:

1. Build a technologically sufficient and well-equipped lab and vocational training hall

2. House a library equipped with books and computers (including internet facilities)

3. Improve school pedagogy and expand educational programs (to include courses on women's health, higher secondary education, college exam preparation, etc.)

4. Establish co-operatives, for the improvement of the economic status of students

5. Increase the number of women served

Women studying at Astha Women School

Since Astha Women School is a not-for-profit institution, they do not currently receive any government support, and they rely heavily on financial support from people like you and me.

Full of Faith, my incredibly witty and gregarious neighbor and friend in Gatthaghar, Alina, 11, is lucky to have schooling sponsors from Spain

They charge very nominal fees from their students, with scholarships available, (tuition is about $2.00 USD) as many of them are poor and/or working to support families. The Astha Women School website heartily request us to participate in their sacred mission.

Shall we?

Staff of Astha Women School, with principal Parbati [bottom left]. Photo:school website

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