Sunday, December 11, 2011

UPDATE Fall/Winter 2011

Hello All,

I know it's been awhile.

Some bags are still available for sale at the Hare Krishna Temple store here in Honolulu.  We have not placed a new order with Chetana Women Skills Development Project yet, as we have not received orders for the holiday season, and because we have been very busy with our political work and academic endeavours here in Honolulu.

This includes my joining of the Board of Directors at Friends of Volunteer Initiative Nepal, a U.S. based non-profit organization that serves women and other marginalized communities of Nepal. I hope to be able to offer the opportunity for skilled international volunteers at these and other Nepalese non-profits. I'm also currently helping to develop FVIN's grant application procedures, wherein organizations such as Astha Women School, will be able to apply for financial assistance for their programs.

Please stay tuned for more opportunities in the near future to support these women organizations, both working to improve the lives of women and girls in Nepal.  

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Order Forms and Catalogues Now Available!

Aloha and Namaste!

Thank you to all of our supporters! 
Your purchases and donations are making a difference in the lives of women!

I am now gearing up to make another purchase from the ladies of Chetana Women Skills Development Project, and at this time you have the opportunity  to have a one-of-a-kind handmade bag or accessory made, per your order, by the women of CWSDP!

Browse through the catalogue, and choose the style, size, and color(s) you want!

Made with organically grown cotton, and naturally dyed (except black) with flowers, plants and spices, these beautiful bags make unique and special gifts for oneself, and are perfect for the holidays, too.

That sale of these bags supports the CWSDP cooperative, and the education of their children - lifting these families out of poverty, and also supports a local, grassroots literacy and vocational training programs for women and girls in Nepal.

Thank you for your support!

Please call/email me with any additional questions and comments.

Sadie Green
(808) 277 5507 (Catalogue available here)




Name of bag: ___________________________

Size: Small/Medium/Large (please circle)

Quantity desired: ___________

Color (please circle):             1 color/2 colors/ 3 colors/ 4 colors (max) 

Desired color(s): _______________________________________________


Check /Money Order/ Paypal  


STREET                                     APT#                        STATE                         ZIP     


SHIPPING ADDRESS:  Same as Billing Address/ Different address:

NAME (of recipient, if different from above)

STREET                                                  APT#               STATE                      ZIP

NOTES: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Astha Women School Video

Here is my new video,

its an interview with Parbati, Principal of Astha Women School.

Check it out:

Let me know what you think!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Store Location and New Bags Coming!

Looking for the perfect holiday gift to give this season? 

Would you like to give something unique and meaningful? 

 Give a gift that keeps on giving! 

These bags are super high-quality, beautiful, organic and hand-made, and contribute not only to the wellbeing and happiness of those of us lucky enough to own one, but contributes to the social and economic empowerment of the ladies who are making them, too! Additionally, 100% of the profits support literacy programs in Nepal for girls and women at the

It's total Win-Win, positive feed-back loop that we can be proud to be a part of, together!

I'll be making an order from the ladies at Chetana Women Skills Development Project within the next month, so let me know what styles and colors you want! 

Catalogue available at:

We can ship anywhere in the world! USA and Canada is especially easy and inexpensive!

Paypal payment options coming soon.

If you are looking to purchase one of our lovely bags today, 

 They can now be found at the ISKON Hawaii Cultural Center store, located at 51 Coelho Way, Honolulu, HI 96817.

Thank you for supporting this sacred mission!

(808) 277 5507

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Looking Forward

Aloha !

The bag sales have been a great success!

Now it's time to look forward, and plan for what comes next. The quality and beauty of the Chetana Women Skills Development Project products are undeniable, and the possibility of repurchasing is definite. We've had fab-u-lous reviews on the bags from all of our satisfied customers, who love their unique and stylish new bags. People here are also loving the fact that their purchases support such noble causes. Power to the consumer! And we still have about a dozen styles left and available for purchase by donation!!! We can ship anywhere in the US, too!

Here is a short and interesting article, from the Room to Read website, about Nepal and its Educational Challenges. It
says that 57% of females in Nepal cannot read or write. Luckily, there are programs like Astha Women School, that provide opportunities in education for women and girls, and super dedicated and amazing women who work tirelessly, day in and day out, to ensure the long-term sustainability of these projects. A big thank you and shout out to those women, and to all of the people who have joined us in supporting them!

Congratulations to Astha Women School on their third anniversary. Keep it up, Ladies! Word is they are working on Professional Women Skills Program of their own, so hopefully we will soon have products from the Astha Women School Co-op available in the US market.

Also, we are looking to set up some kind of donation system online, since several supporters have expressed interest in sponsoring the school in this way. If there is anybody with some expertise/experience in this area, who can help
us to set this up, please let us know!

There are a couple of other things in the works here, but you'll have to stay tuned to find out!

Take Care and Until Next Time...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thank you

Dhyanbad, Mahalo, Thank you very much for all of you who came to the potluck on Saturday (July 16) and supported the project.

We had a great day, enjoyed the yummy food and watched the video of Astha School. We collected some donations as well.

Once again, Thank you all for your purchases, donations and moral support. Thank you Happycake Cafe for providing the venue.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Project Update

This project, has, by chance, and seemingly of its own volition, acquired a name:

Women Project Nepal

Currently, I'm working with Sunny on a short documentary film, about the Astha Women School, with video footage and interviews we shot during December 2009. I will post it within 2 days.

Also, I'm holding a special potluck gathering next Saturday, 7/16, at Happy Cake Cafe, where we will be screening the film and showcasing the hand-crafted, organic bags that are for sale to benefit this school for women and girls in Nepal. Its a great chance to drink good coffee and chat with awesome people, check out a cute local cafe and bakery, and support women and girls here and around the world!

The other good news, of course, is that last week money was sent to the Astha Women School. The principal, Parbati, wrote me a super sweet email upon receiving the donation, thanking me with "~**LOVE**~" and encouraging me to
~keep up this movement of helping women of the world~
Here is an excerpt from her letter:

"Thanks and god bless from all the students of Astha Women School… its touchable work to all of Nepalis women. You are in USA, a long distance, but we are hand in hand… After sometime we also going to do productive work in school for our long-term survival…"

Long life and good fortunes to the people of Nepal, and to us all,


Sunday, July 10, 2011

$$$ Sent To Astha Women School

I'm so excited! Yesterday I sent money to the Astha Women School. I was able, with the support of all of you wonderful people who bought bags, to generate $500 for the school.

$500 represents quite a lot of money in Nepal. That's Rs35,000, which is approximately enough for the operation of the school for an entire month. That includes the school's rent, teachers salaries, student scholarships, office supplies, utility bills, and more.

Thank you again for all of your support. I'll post more soon :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

About Astha Women School

Established in 2007 in Gatthaghar, Nepal, The Astha Women

School is an ongoing effort by a collective of hundreds

of women in the Kathmandu Valley.

Its chief objective is to provide education to
illiterate women and girls (representing as
much as 70% of the community). The
students of the Astha Women School range in
age from 10 years old to 60+, and come from
the many different castes and cultures of Nepal.
The Astha Women School (which means,
literally, 'Women School of Faith') is run by
a talented and dedicated group of Nepali women.

The Astha Women School currently offers a formal education of first grade
through eighth grade, and has over 400 past and present students.

(Desks and floor seating in Astha classroom)

Their future plans:

1. Build a technologically sufficient and well-equipped lab and vocational training hall

2. House a library equipped with books and computers (including internet facilities)

3. Improve school pedagogy and expand educational programs (to include courses on women's health, higher secondary education, college exam preparation, etc.)

4. Establish co-operatives, for the improvement of the economic status of students

5. Increase the number of women served

Women studying at Astha Women School

Since Astha Women School is a not-for-profit institution, they do not currently receive any government support, and they rely heavily on financial support from people like you and me.

Full of Faith, my incredibly witty and gregarious neighbor and friend in Gatthaghar, Alina, 11, is lucky to have schooling sponsors from Spain

They charge very nominal fees from their students, with scholarships available, (tuition is about $2.00 USD) as many of them are poor and/or working to support families. The Astha Women School website heartily request us to participate in their sacred mission.

Shall we?

Staff of Astha Women School, with principal Parbati [bottom left]. Photo:school website

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Who Am I? What's This Project About?

Aloha & Namaste!

My name is Sadie Ariel Esther Rose Green.

Ever since I can remember, I've been an activist - fund-raising, organizing, holding meetings and events, speaking and advocating for positive change in my communities. I believe in our power as human beings to make the world a better place, if we so choose. Will you join me?

I've started this blog so that I can share information, exchange ideas, and garner support, for a new project.

So What Is The Project?

I've decided to import beautiful hand woven, fair trade bags from a local women initiative in Pokhara, Nepal. The bags are made with organically grown cotton and naturally dyed with plants and flowers by the women of the Chetana Women Skills Development Project. These bags have been supporting the livelihood and education of these women and their children for more than 20 years.

All of the profit (100%) from the sales of these bags (which are currently available for purchase at Honolulu's Happy Cake Cafe), go to support literacy programs for women and girls at the Astha Women School.

The goals of this project are as follows:

Help find and create a market for Chetana's products here in the USA; connecting them with store accounts, individual customers, and similar organizations, so that they can continue to create more opportunities and a better life for themselves and their children (you can see their pictures and get more information on their Facebook).

Help support the Astha Women School in their mission to provide uneducated women and girls in Nepal with formal education.

I have met these women, in their own communities. I am moved and impressed by their initiatives, and therefor I want to support them and share their stories with the world. Furthermore, I believe this could be a great learning opportunity for those of us interested in intercultural exchanges, global citizenship, sustainable peace with justice and equality, a democratic process of development, and so forth.

I'll keep you posted! Add me on Facebook, or for more information, contact me at